Rabu, 13 April 2011

Tugas 2 Meringkas Kembali



Cash reserve

Loan / kredit

Other asset




Assets = use of find

Liabilities = source of find

Cash resereve :
- kas
- RK pada BI ---- min 8% dari deposit = legal reserve

Loan / kredit :
- investasi
- komersial

Cash inflow berada di sisi deposit.
Dana deposit disalurkan dalam bentuk kredit / loan.

Deposit :
membayar interest :
- saving deposit (tabungan) = - kas
- ATM ---- transaksi ----- pos / auto debet

- demand deposit ( giro) = - cek ----- atas unjuk (tunai)
- bilyet giro ---- atas nama (rekening)---- resource keuangan

- time deposit ( deposit) = - COD (certifikat of deposit ) = sertifikat
- DR = reguler berjangka

Securities :
- pinjaman holding
- obligasi (pasar modal)
- KLBI (kredit likuiditas BI)
- bunga / interest

Capital :
- saham
- deviden
- capital gain

Minggu, 10 April 2011


Jalan Gatot Subroto, Kav 15
Jakarta Selatan 12930

To: Helmaisha Ramadhina

We invite you to attend meeting. It will be held :
- On Friday, April 07, 2011
- At 10.00 a.m
- In the Balai Kartini Hall

Agenda: Introduce a new innovation from Unilever

Please come on time.
Thank you

Narastia Hardiyanti

Note Taking

Cornell Taking
  • Can be used to provide an outline of the course, chapter, or lecture.
  • Organized by main ideas and details.
  • Can be as detailed as necessary.
  • Sequential-- take notes as they are given by instructor or text in an orderly fashion.
  • After class, write a summary of what you learned to clarify and reinforce learning and to assist retention.
  • Can be used as study tool:
    1. Define terms or explain concepts listed on the left side.
    2. Identify the concept or term based on its definition on the right side.

  • Can be used to provide a "big picture" of the course, chapter, or lecture.
  • Organized by main ideas and sub-topics.
  • Limited in how much detail you can represent.
  • Simultaneous - you can use this method for instructors who jump around from topic to topic.
  • After class, you will probably need to "translate" notes into a Cornell format.
  • Can be used as a study tool -- to get a quick overview and to determine whether you need more information or need to concentrate your study on specific topics.

Exercise 35 Passive Voice

  1. The President is called by somebody everyday.
  2. The others members are being called by John.
  3. The document has been delivered by Martha to the departement.
  4. The amandement have been repeated by the others members.
  5. The information had been received by the delegates before the recess.